If you have any questions about the Foundation, please do not hesitate to contact me under: info@ergotherapie-karow.de or info@stiftung-traumatherapie.com or by phone under 030/94413580.
If you wish to help children, adolescents and young adults to overcome their developmental trauma and live a self-confident life in which they can express their own personality, you can make a donation to the following account:
Stiftung für Traumatherapie Heinke Sofka
IBAN: DE59 3706 0193 6004 5430 15
The foundation’s mail address is: Bucher Chaussee 5. 13125 Berlin.
You will, of course, receive a donation receipt. Please send your details to Stiftung für Traumatherapie Heinke Sofka, Bucher Chaussee 5, 13125 Berlin